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Rochester Covenant Church

A Special Place To Call Home

At Rochester Covenant Church, we are on a mission to gather and mobilize people in, around and beyond Rochester with the transforming message of Jesus Christ. We are all different people but we are on the same path and we invite you to visit us to make a difference in the world today.

We feature relevant bible teaching and a blended worship style. Each week, our pastors take a portion of Scripture and seek to better understand both the original meaning and the modern day application that comes from the timeless and true Word of God.

We support each other as we face the challenges of our lives and the world. Are you looking for a special place to call home?

Call to ask any question 1.507.289.2990

Todd Spieker, Pastor

What We Believe

Are You Seeking Hope And Healing?

If you’re perfect already–or think you are–Rochester Covenant Church might not be the place for you.  But if you’re seeking hope and healing, or have this sense you’re farther from God than you’d like to be, we could be a great spiritual home for you.  We want to share God’s grace and acceptance, and be used by God to give back what he’s so freely given to us.

If you have questions


Where do you worship each Sunday and what time is your service?

We are easily located at 4950 31st Ave, Rochester, MN. We worship at 10:00 a.m.

What type of music and worship do you have?

Singing psalms, hymns, and inspired songs to God is our gift of gratitude to Him, a sacrifice of praise that rises above personal preferences. Along with prayer, Scripture, preaching, faith stories, communion, videos, and more, music is a treasured component of Rochester Covenant Church weekend worship experiences. At RCC we select music that is scripturally and theologically sound to help us accomplish our vision and objective. We choose music that is accessible to people of different ages, backgrounds, vocal ranges, and abilities. The music repertoire at RCC spans a bandwidth of styles that includes current worship songs, worship music from the recent past, and adapted hymns that allow everyone to enter into God’s presence through song.

How do I dress?

Please come as you feel comfortable. Since we live in a community where people dress casually every day, you can expect to see most people dressed casually on Sunday as well.

What are your sermons like?

Each week, we take a portion of Scripture and seek to better understand both the original meaning and the modern day application that comes from the timeless and true Word of God. You can see for yourself. Just click on “Sermons” on the navigation bar.

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Visit us THIS SUNDAY at 10:00 a.m. and let us welcome you in person! Staffed Nursery for ages 0-4.

Visit Us : 4950 31st Ave NW, Rochester, MN 55901

Any Questions?
Mon to Fri

Monday 11 am-2 pm, Tuesday 11 am-3 pm, Wednesday 9 am-1:30 pm, Thursday 11 am-2:30 pm, Office is closed on Friday

Reflecting God's Love | Centered On Christ | Caring For Community

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