The Kingdom Of God
Rochester Covenant Church is home to people from many different walks of life, nations, and cultures–representing the Kingdom of God where one day people “from every tribe and language and people and nation" will worship and serve God together (see Revelation 5:10).
Our worship life and ministries with children, youth, adults and families give opportunities for our diverse community of people to do life together. In addition, Rochester Covenant Church sponsors or hosts ethnic- and language-specific worship times and gatherings. These include:
Anywaa (Ethiopian) Worship
Sundays, 2 p.m. Worship in our fellowship hall. This lively and passionate time of worship and learning is conducted primarily in the Anywaa language.
Facilitator: Omot Bawar
Congolose Worship
Tuesdays at 5:30pm – 7:00pm This new time of worship and learning is conducted in French for our growing community of immigrants from the Democratic Republic of Congo or other French-speakers.
Facilitator: Pastor Jacques Ilunga
Location: Sanctuary.

One Body
In addition, many children and youth from these ethnic, cultural and language groups participate in Rochester Covenant Church's Sunday morning, Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening children's and youth ministries.
Visit us THIS SUNDAY at 10:00 a.m. and let us welcome you in person! Staffed Nursery for ages 0-4.