As always, the Missions Team has had a busy year supporting 31 missionaries and 11 organizations! If you haven’t already picked up a copy of the RCC Mission Prayer Calendar for the coming year, get one this Sunday! Prayers are powerful and have been answered many times over in these ministries both here and around the world! As 2024 comes to a close, we want to highlight three things: a please, a thank you, and an oh-my-goodness opportunity!
PLEASE Consider Joining the Missions Team! They are feeling the loss of Karen Goeke who has just moved to Duluth, and they need at least two people to step up and join them. If you have questions about what the team does, when they meet, or anything else, please contact Anna Redfern (chair) or Bob Andrews. (Charles & Rosanne Herman are also on the team, but they will be in Africa for the winter.)
THANK YOU for Your Monetary Gifts to Support the Coile Family: As you know, Freddie – husband and father – passed away at the end of the summer. Wife Janet and the children plan to continue to serve in FOCUS Evangelistic Ministries and Grace Farm. Your gifts totaled $1000, which is not only a practical blessing but also one that shows the care and love we have for the family. Again, thank you.
OH MY GOODNESS, a Generous Matching Gift for Honduras! An anonymous RCC donor has agreed to match up to $25,000 in gifts given to support Carlos & Barbara Baharona in their work with children of single parent families at Nueva Esperanza (New Hope). The funds will go toward the building of a Career and Training Center. All gifts given between December 1 and 29 will be matched. You can contribute by clicking HERE or by putting your gift in the offering box in the RCC lobby. Be sure to designate it “Matching Gift for Honduras.” What an amazing opportunity to double each donation and make a real difference!
That’s the news! Happy Thanksgiving to all – we do have so much for which to be thankful!

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